RP Automation has been offering worldwide support for PUMA and RX Series robots since 1984
RP Automation Inc. provides engineering and support services for the Unimate PUMATM,260, 260B, 560, 560C, 562, 760, 761, 762 Series Robots, and Stäubli RX 60A, 60B, 90A, 90B, and the TX 40, 60, and 90 Series Robots.We provide the following services:
- 24 Hour Trouble Shooting Phone Support
- 24 Hour Field Service Support
- Robotic Workcell Design and Services
- POLARIS® and CellMate Robot Support
- Robot Programming and Training Services
- New Stäubli TX series robots
- Rebuilt Unitmate PUMA and Stäubli RX series Robots
We are dedicated to the highest standard of excellence of service and are unsurpassed in customer satisfaction.